馬場祥子 プロフィール
Shoko Baba Biography
北鎌倉女子学園高等学校音楽科卒業。東京藝術大学器楽科ピアノ専攻卒業。 ボストン・ロンジー音楽院大学院ピアノ演奏家コース修士課程をリリー・デュモン奨学金を得て首席卒業。
中学校・高等学校 音楽教育職員免許取得。
講師歴23年。これまでに第24回ショパン国際ピアノコンクールin ASIA幼児指導者賞、2023年および2024年ブルグミュラーコンクール
ブルグミュラー・レッスン賞、Best Classical Music Awards 2024 Season1 指導者賞、European Classical Music Awards 2024 指導者賞、
幼少をアメリカで過ごす。帰国後、高校・大学在学中に第53回鎌倉市学生音楽コンクール優勝、市長賞受賞。 第13回かながわ音楽コンクール優勝、県知事賞受賞、故佐藤功太郎指揮、神奈川フィルハーモニー管弦楽団と協演。 第11回および第12回JPTA教育連盟オーディション決勝受賞、上位入賞者コンサートに出演。 第5回ドイツエトリンゲン青少年国際ピアノコンペティションファイナリスト。2003−2004年国際親善奨学生として国際ロータリー財団から選ばれる。 大学院中、ハーヴァード大学で2つのソロリサイタルを展開。コネチカット州ミュージコルダ音楽祭に奨学生として招待される。2004年度、2005年度ロンジー音楽院で行われたオナーズコンペティションでウィナーに選ばれ、2年連続ウィナーズコンサートに出演。また2年連続フィショフ・ナショナル室内楽コンペティションで入選、カナダ・バンフ音楽祭に招待される。その他ブロックトン・シンフォニー、コンチェルトコンペティションの審査員、ブロックトン・シンフォニー、ニュートン・シンフォニーのピアニストとして活躍。アメリカへコンサートツアー、またアメリカのラジオに出演。
小澤征爾監督サイトウキネンフェスティバルに全奨学金を得て参加。またハートトゥハート実行委員会を立ち上げ、NHK World News、朝日新聞、毎日新聞、読売新聞などで取り上げられる。
Pianist Shoko Baba was born in Japan. Her mother is an organist, and Shoko began playing the piano at the age of 2. Her family moved to the United States in 1986, where she studied piano intensively under Claire Lohnes.
After she moved back to Japan, she continued her studies under Yukiko Hibiya. She graduated from Kitakamakura Girls High School majoring in music, and for 6 years in a row she was chosen to play at a subscription concert representing her school and colleagues. She was a finalist in the PTNA All‐Japan Piano Competition, and won the 13th Kanagawa Competition, which led her to perform with the Kanagawa Philharmonic Orchestra.
She has also won the 53rd Kamakura Competition, and the 11th and the 12th All‐Japan Piano Teacher's Association Audition, for which she was chosen to perform in the winner's concert in Tokyo for 2 years in a row.
In 2008, she won the first‐prize of the Buono and Bradshaw International Competition and performed in the Winners’ Debut Concert held at the Carnegie Weill Hall in New York.
She holds a Bachelor of Music degree from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, where she studied with Michiko Ohno and Shun Sato. She was a finalist of the 5th Ettlingen (Germany) International Competition in 1998. After moving to Boston in 2002, she entered Longy School of Music studying with Victor Rosenbaum.
She was a semi‐finalist of the Fischoff National Chamber Music Competition with the St. Botolph Trio in May 2003. She also gave 2 recitals at Harvard University in April and May 2003. She was chosen as the 2003‐2004 International Rotary Foundation Ambassador of Goodwill representing Japan.
She was a member of the Vox Trio with Yumi Okada (violin) and Sally Takada (cello) and gave touring to give recitals and outreach concerts in Boston, San Jose, Tokyo, Nagoya, and Kamakura. In February 2004, the ensemble gave its debut recital in Cambridge. In April 2004, the Vox Trio was a finalist of the Coleman National Chamber Music Competition and a semi‐finalist of the Fischoff National Chamber Music Competition. They were invited to a celebration concert at MIT Boston.
She is also a duo member of Harmonieuse. They were the first‐prize winner of the Buono and Bradshaw International Competition in 2009, and performed in the Winners’ Debut Concert at the Carnegie Weill Hall in New York.
In January 2004, she was the winner of the Honors Competition of Longy School of Music playing pieces for the left‐hand. She participated in the World Piano Pedagogy Conference, studying about musician’s injuries, in October 2004. She has earned her masters degree with distinction at Longy School of Music in Cambridge.
After coming back to Japan, she has had numerous lives and concerts in Tokyo.
She is an active outreach performer and speaker as well, and was a regular performer at Youville Hospital in Boston, Rehabilitation Centers in Tokyo, and at Junior High Schools in MinamiSanriku.
On top of performing, she is one of the producers of the International Chopin Piano Competition in Asia & Heart to Heart Organization, an interpreter for foreign professors and pianists in major music universities, and a teacher of more than 40 private students.